Node M3U8 Downloader

NPM versionProject license


A module that downloads m3u8 segments/playlists to specified output


npm install node-m3u8-downloader


Create an instance

const m3u8 = require('node-m3u8-downloader');

// Initialize the instance with options
const options = {
    streamUrl: '',
    outputFile: '/path/to/output.mp4',
    mergedPath: '/path/to/merged.ts', // default: os.tmpdir()/m3u8dl/merged.ts
    quality: 'highest', // default: highest
    cache: '/path/to/cache', // cache path for temporary files
    concurrency: 10, // number of download threads (default: 20)
    ffmpegPath: '/custom/path/to/ffmpeg', // custom path to ffmpeg
    useFfmpegToMerge: false, // use ffmpeg to merge
    cb: console.log, // callback function

const instance = new m3u8(options);


  • streamUrl: The URL of the m3u8 playlist.
  • outputFile: Path where the downloaded output file will be saved.
  • mergedPath: Path where merged ts files from segments are stored (default: cache + '/merged.ts').
  • quality: Quality of the stream to download (default: highest) (qualities: highest, medium and lowest).
  • cache: Path where temporary files are stored.
  • concurrency: Number of download threads (default: 10).
  • ffmpegPath: Custom path to ffmpeg executable.
  • useFfmpegToMerge: Use ffmpeg to merge segments. (default: false)
  • cb: Callback function for events.

Add a caption

instance.addCaption(urlOrPath, lang)


  • urlOrPath: the uri of subtitles files or path
  • lang: language of the subtitle (default: english)

Start the download

await instance.startDownload()


instance.on(event, callback)

All Events

  • start: Emitted when the downloader is starting.
  • parsing: Emitted when parsing the m3u8 playlist.
  • segments_download:build: Emitted when the segment downloader is built.
  • segments_download:start: Emitted when the segment downloader starts.
  • segments_download:progress: Emitted when a new segment is downloaded.
    • progressData: Object with download progress information.
          uri: string,
          path: string,
          progress: {
              total: int,
              current: int,
              percentage: int
  • segments_download:end: Emitted when all segments are downloaded.
  • merging:start: Emitted when merging of segments starts.
  • merging:end: Emitted when merging of segments ends.
  • conversion:start: Emitted when conversion to mp4 and caption adding starts.
  • conversion:end: Emitted when conversion ends.
  • end: Emitted when the m3u8 download is complete.


  • Fast download (uses concurrency)
  • Master playlist support
  • Simple download
  • Supports captions to add to video


For support, make an issue in github.

